To lead from the heart


🗓 26.09. - 29.09.2024

📍Casa Viva - Gardasee

Jetzt buchen!

Liebe Ärztin,

Dieses Retreat wird dich verändern.

Weil dein Herz strahlen darf.

Dein Geist Ruhe finden.

Deine Weiblichkeit gestalten.

Willkommen an diesem einzigartigen Ort zu diesem außergewöhnlichen Retreat.

Wir können es kaum erwarten, dich in unsere Arme zu schließen.

- Asya & Sophie

To lead from the heart - create our future

(The language in this retreat will be the language from the heart, english (Asya) and german (Sophie) - and so is this site.)

What does it mean to lead from a Zen heart space?

Leading with a Zen heart

The Heart Sutra written by the Buddha, teaches us the concept of openness when perceiving the world. When we understand and then embody this experience of vast openness from the heart when relating with others, it has the potential of creating more loving authentic and compassionate relationships. Leading from this space can have tremendous transformational personal and social impact. 

In this experiential workshops on the retreat we will explore what it actually means to be centred in the Zen heart space and explore its incredible transformative qualities. 

Using breath techniques, equine assisted meditations and creative exploration we will return to ourselves and energetically cleanse the body so that we can align the Hara and the Heart centres. 

The Japanese term Hara has two meanings: belly and source of life. Connecting these two centres means that we can remain fully centered and grounded within our body and our being and then from the heart space learn to meet the world with a freshness, curiosity and openness without judgment.

In an increasingly complex world meeting the challenges of everyday life and supporting those around us with an open heart is fundamental for all leaders. 

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- but must be felt with the heart.”

— Helen Keller

Your experience:

〰️ To live loving authentic and compassionate relationships

〰️ To experience freshness, curiosity and openness without judgment

〰️ To feel  your own tremendous transformational personal and social impact

〰️ To cleanse energetically the body

To create a leadership from the heart means meeting your soul, mind & body.

To meet yourself.

Your incredible beautiful SELF.

What Leadership means to me, Sophie?

This quote of Anais Nin describes it perfectly for me:

"I have a kind of courage you do not understand.

I am far from blind, far from indifferent, but I will not indulge in impotent, passive despair.

I will not add to the despair of the world. I am working on counterpoisons…

I create a space in which people can breathe, restore their faith and strength to live."

We have our passion.

We have a mission.

We have to lead.

This is for you, the female doctor:

〰️ who wants to evolve with everything you are already

〰️ you are not questioning whether to be a doctor or not

〰️ you really want to BE and adore yourself and enjoy everyday with your passion - the way of healing you bring to this world. 

You will experience your own leading role (with yourself, others, and in the world) from a totally new perspective: from inside yourself - led by the horses - to take herself seen on the outside. You will deep dive in all the facets of leadership - the heart, the body & the mind through lectures and  meditation experiences. It will be your evolving - visible through your art of leadership. You will ground yourself through dancing and painting. Showing up with everything you are. Evolving in everything you are already.

It is the beginning of leading from the heart.

To create a leadership from the heart means meeting your soul, mind & body.

To meet yourself.

Your incredible beautiful SELF.

Horse Medicine: The Imaginale Path to Your Inner Wisdom

This society has become obsessed with the superficial. Everyday our energy flows from the inside of us to the world outside of us through our eyes. Just do an experiment and you will see. Look at a flower and feel how and in which direction the energy flows out through your eyes. Now consciously reverse the flow of the image of the flower you see. Allow the image to flow through your eyes into your body. Allow the images to penetrate the barriers we have set up to protect you from the exterior. It is very subtle but you will feel the difference. We can call this the horizontal plane, the world of form or the physical. For most of us this is where we direct most of our attention. 

However, there does exist a vertical plane. This is a dimension that most people in western societies have forgotten. This is the plane of the spirit and you get there by reversing the flow of energy, from the inside-out to the outside-in and horses can support us in our journey. Animal communicator Delaya Diana reveals the wisdom of horses through her work. She speaks about how horses are here to help us to return to “the point of contact”, the axis point between the horizontal plane and the vertical plane. It is in fact the ‘Now’ or the present moment. It is also where the Imaginal realm lies.

Imaginal is another name for the non dualistic state of consciousness. Imaginal is not imagination, although it may seem to be similar. Imagination is an act of our ego, of our mind, but the imaginal is a place between conscious and unconscious, between visible and invisible, between life and death, between human and divine. Surhwardi the 12th century Persian Sufi mystic called it “Alam al Mithal” or “the world of real images/ true symbols” and “Hurqalya” which means “the earth of celestial visions”. In this place all the images which appear to us are codes for ideas and emotions, and emotions are the portals that transport us to the profound insights that come from our being. This is the realm of our inner wisdom which is so personal that only we have access to. If we can reach the imaginal realm we have access to all the information which comes from within ourselves: we have access to our own inner wisdom. If we can reach the imaginal realm we can become the co-creator of our reality. 

Horse medicine is the shortcut to the imaginal realm. As horses are always in the point of contact between the horizontal and vertical planes, being with them amplifies the present moment and allows what is within us to be revealed. Horses can bring us where other humans cannot travel.


  • Willkommen - 26.09.: 15 Uhr Ankunft in Casa Viva - Programm bis 19.30 Uhr
  • 27. + 28.09.: 09 Uhr bis 18 Uhr (inkl. Pausen)
  • 29.09. : Ende ca. 12.30 Uhr
  • Workshop - Sessions mit Asya (english)
  • Workshop - Sessions mit Sophie (german)
  • Creative Worksessions (paint, sing, dance)
  • Guided Meditations
  • Horse Medicine: The Imaginale Path to Your Inner Wisdom
  • Die Pausen darfst du selbst gestalten - so dass sie deinem SEIN entsprechen und dir Erholung bringen und Integration ermöglichen

Deine Loving Coaches

Asya Dawn Jaya


Dr. Sophie Zötler

The place.

Sometime you find a place and within you find peace.

The world stands still for a moment -

Welcome to CASA VIVA.

The price.

Liebe Kollegin,

das Retreat kostet regulär 1150€.

Im Preis enthalten ist das gesamte Programm von uns beiden vom 26.09.-29.09.2024.

  • Die Anreise, die Unterkunft und Verpflegung sind nicht im Retreatpreis enthalten. 


Asya Dawn Jaya is a Malaysian Canadian artist and equine-assisted coach and meditation teacher. She is the co-creator of Casa Viva and Centro Ippico Corti Gardesane at Costermano sul Garda at Garda Lake in the North of Italy. She has taught meditation in India, Bali, Canada and Italy. Asya is passionate about the earth and it’s ecosystems and about educating children and adults, helping them to renew their creativity and find their passions and talents.

Asya Dawn Jaya, co-creatrice di Corti Gardesane e Casa Viva, è laureata in belli arti e ha un masters in storia dell’arte. Asya ha praticato meditazione dal 1997. Ha studiato con Eckhart Tolle e “The School of Awakening ”ed è “un insegnate di presenza”. Ha insegnato meditazione in India, Bali, Canada ed Italia.


Ich bin Mama einer großartigen Tochter und Lebensgefährtin eines wunderbaren Mannes. Ich bin Kinderärztin und Mind-Body Medizinerin und Coach für Ärzt:innen. Aufgewachsen bin ich in einer Tradition- und Werteverbundenen Unternehmerfamilie im Allgäu.

Ich kenne neben meiner aktuellen Praxistätigkeit die Arbeit & Ausbildung in einer Klinik und die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen nur zu gut. Der von viel Verantwortung und wenig Zeit geprägte Klinikalltag hat mich an meine persönlichen und körperlichen Grenzen gebracht – und das, obwohl ich meinen Beruf über alles liebe und von Herzen gerne praktizierende Ärztin bin. Ich war ganz nah daran, nach einigen Jahren in der Klinik, nicht mehr an ein erfülltes Ärztin-SEIN zu glauben. Ich hatte mich selbst verloren, spürte meine Bedürfnisse nicht mehr und hatte still und leise aufgehört meinen Werten entsprechend zu leben und zu arbeiten. Doch ich wollte auf keinen Fall aufgeben, ich wollte Ärztin bleiben und begann ein System zu entwickeln, wie man endlich die Ärztin sein kann, die man immer sein wollte.

Und nun bin ich hier: führe ein zufriedenes und glückliches Leben als Kinderärztin im bestehenden Gesundheitssystem, habe eine profitable Selbstständigkeit, um meinen Traum, die gelebte Medizin zu verändern, weiter voranzubringen. Und genieße das tiefe Vertrauen, dass mich stressige berufliche Zeiten nicht mehr umhauen, sondern ich Tools habe, um damit umzugehen.


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